Individual assessment of each horse and tailored services to meet your needs. Providing excellent pregnancy rates and offering a comprehensive range of associated breeding services.
Mare Services
- Fresh Semen Artificial Insemination - Semen is collected on site for immediate insemination of the mare.
- Chilled Semen Artificial Insemination - Semen is collected & shipped for insemination within 24 hours. For UK or Europe based stallions.
- Frozen Semen Artificial Insemination - Frozen semen is shipped & stored at the clinic until the time of ovulation when it is thawed & the mare inseminated. Timing is crucial with frozen semen, a number of scans are required near the point of ovulation. Preparation for Natural ServicePre-breeding swabs & blood samples, scanning to the point of natural service & post service treatments.
- Embryo Transfer - A donor mare is inseminated by any of the above methods & then the uterus flushed around 7 days later to recover an embryo. The embryo is implanted in a recipient mare who carries the foal.
- Infertility Investigations
- Fetal Sexing

Stallion Services
- Semen Collection - For fresh insemination or shipping chilled within the UK.
- Breeding Soundness Examinations
- Storage of Frozen Semen
- Dry Shipper for Hire - For transporting frozen semen.

Eden Equine Fertility is a BEVA accredited practice for frozen, chilled & fresh semen inseminations. BEVA recognises practices that have completed additional AI training & attend regular refresher days. Clients can be confident that we maintain up-to-date knowledge of AI procedure, legislation & mare management.