Terms and Condition's

Payment Terms

Initial visit and treatment for new clients are payable on the day of visit and a deposit payment may be requested. Any transfer to 14-day account terms is strictly at the discretion of the accounts department. Thereafter payment is due strictly 14 days from the date of invoice. If you have any payment queries please call the accounts department on 01829 770999 (8.30am – 5.30 pm Monday to Friday).

Payments may be made by cash, cheque or card. Cheques should be made payable to Cheshire Equine Clinic. For card payments, please contact the accounts department on 01829 770999 (8.30am – 5.30 pm Monday to Friday). For BACS payments please use RBS sort code: 16-24-06, account number: 12116130.

Please quote your invoice number as reference on all BACS payments so that your payment can be allocated correctly.

Should you find yourself in a position where you are unable to pay your account within 14 days then please contact the accounts office as soon as possible, so that we can make suitable arrangements. In the absence of prior written agreement to the contrary, payment of our charges is required within 14 days after the receipt of our invoice. Failure to make payment within 28 days of the due date may result in the matter being referred to P&J CDS our Debt collection agents whose charges will be added.

Estimates are used and can be issued to approximate treatment costs for your horse in advance. Estimates are calculated as best and as accurately as possible but as every horse and treatment is different these may not always be accurate. If overpayment is made based on an estimate or a deposit payment has been made and the treatment is no longer required, a refund can be given in full. Please contact our accounts department regarding refunds.

Out Of Hours Care for your Horse 

Office opening hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm excluding Bank Holidays. In the event of an Equine Emergency please telephone the office number on 01829 770999 where your call will be dealt with by one of our team. If an emergency occurs outside of normal office hours please phone the office number 01829 770999where a recorded message will have the mobile phone number of the vet on duty (and normally an alternative vets number) in case of any problem you will always be able to speak to one of our own vets without delay. Call outs out of hours may be subject to additional call out fee.

It is important that you inform Cheshire Equine Clinic of any change in address, contact phone numbers or location of your horse so that our records are correct to allow us to correspond efficiently in the event of an emergency.

Insurance cover for your horse

Cheshire Equine Clinic offer a personalised insurance claim tracking service to closely monitor progress and processing of any insurance claim we deal with. Your broker should be consulted for specialist advice on this subject. We recommend that all horses should be insured for third party liability. Various policies are also available to offer protection against accidental death, permanent loss of use and against veterinary fees.

It should be remembered that the account is the responsibility of the owner/keeper of the horse. Any contract of insurance is a contract between the owner/keeper and the insurance company. Cheshire Equine Clinic is not responsible for invalid insurance claims for whatever reason eg. Pre-existing conditions, exclusions, injury incurred during activity not covered by the insurance premium, non-payment of premiums. Always notify your insurance company of any potential claim as soon as possible.

Please note that the role of the Insurance Company is to reimburse you for fees paid for veterinary treatment. Such fees must be paid by you initially and are due for payment within 14 days of the invoice unless you inform the insurance company to pay us directly. In such cases you must pay all non- insured items and the excess payment within 14 days.


From time to time, your horse’s treatment may require referral for imaging, treatment or surgery to a recommended specialised vet, clinic or hospital. The treating vet will communicate with you the client fully regarding the selection of the appropriate referral centre and any images, history and reports will be issued to the referral vet to ensure the best continuity and quality of care for your horse. If you have any questions regarding this process you should contact the office.


A veterinary prescription is available on request at Cheshire Equine Clinic. We can supply prescription only medicines, category (POM-V) OR ask for a prescription and obtain the medicines from another veterinary practice or pharmacy. Our veterinary surgeons can prescribe POM-V medicines only following a clinical assessment of an animal under our care. If the animal is an in-patient or requires immediate treatment, then a prescription may not be appropriate. We will provide the price of any relevant veterinary medicinal product that may be dispensed for your animal. For an animal requiring repeat prescriptions we examine the animal every 6 months but this may differ between cases. The standard charges for re-examination and further information on the prices of medicines can be obtained from the office. Prescriptions are available upon request at a cost of £18.00 + VAT.


Cheshire Equine Clinic cannot be held responsible and will not be liable for any damage to animal, owner or damage to property whilst on the premises at Cheshire Equine Clinic or under the care of one of our veterinary surgeons. It is the responsibility of the owner to insure their horse and any property fully themselves for accident, accidental damage or death and to the correct value.

Vaccination of Horses

Tetanus - We recommend that all horses are protected against this fatal disease. Protection may be achieved by two primary vaccinations approximately 1-2 months apart, followed by a third a year later. Thereafter boosters are required every two years.

Influenza - Current BHA and BHS regulations stipulate that horses should have a primary course of 3 vaccinations, followed by annual boosters. The interval between the first two vaccinations must be between 21- 92 days (approx. 3 weeks – 3 months) and the interval between the second and third 150 – 215 days (approx. 5 – 7 months). Thereafter boosters must be within 365 days. FEI require 6 monthly boosters. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that their horse is vaccinated in accordance with the requirements of the governing body under which it will compete.


Data Protection Policy

You may request details of personal information that we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. We may use your contact details to communicate with you and to send you offers and news about Cheshire Equine Clinic. From time to time, we may contact you by post, email or telephone to ask your opinions and update you on any events, offers and promotions. If you would like a copy of the information we hold for you or if you do not wish to receive communications or if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes and no longer wish to receive communications (you may change your mind at any time), you can let us know by writing to us at Cheshire Equine Clinic, Chowley Oak Lane, Tattenhall, Cheshire, CH3 9EX or by emailing us at office@cheshireequineclinic.co.uk. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. All records, images and samples acquired during the course of treatment shall remain the property of Cheshire Equine Clinic. Permission to forward yours and your horse’s personal information will always be sought. If you do not wish for any information regarding you and your horse to be passed on in the case of a referral or for any other reason please contact the office.

Complaints Policy

Cheshire Equine Clinic welcome feedback and take complaints very seriously. If you have any complaint please phone the office or alternatively you can send this by email to office@cheshirequineclinic.co.uk or in writing to Cheshire Equine Clinic, Chowley Oak Lane, Tattenhall, Cheshire, CH3 9EX. All complaints will be responded to by one of the directors in a timely manner. Complaints are reviewed regularly and acted on accordingly.

Statutory Rights
.  These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights.